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4th May, 2022

Eco-Schools Free Live Lesson: Biodiversity

Join us on Monday 9th May, 9:30am- 12pm, for Eco-Schools Live Lesson: Biodiversity. A free morning of three interactive workshops by Eco-Schools on the topic of biodiversity. Special guests alongside Fairtrade Schools include: The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and children’s author and veterinarian Gill Lewis courtesy of the Scottish Book Trust.

This lesson has been designed for Upper Primary level but all pupils are welcome.

View the workshop agenda and register for free now.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) will take a live look around the animals in the Highland Wildlife Park, while children’s author and veterinarian Gill Lewis will explore how we can bring about change through looking at three of Gill’s books. The Fairtrade School’s workshop will teach about the story of cocoa and how Fairtrade is not only important for communities but for habitats too, and how we can all be guardians of the rainforests by supporting them.

Additionally, all schools will also be invited to participate in a Live Assembly on Friday 13th to celebrate examples of work shared by schools throughout the week.

A detailed overview of the content of workshops can be found here.


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