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1st July, 2020

Fundraising for Fairtrade

Thank you!

We would not be half as successful campaigning for global trade justice without you, our tremendous supporters. We wanted to take the time to give a special shout-out to all the wonderful schools who have held fundraising events, these donations will support projects that extend the reach and deepen the impact of Fairtrade.


A bake sale at Cheam Common Junior Academy

A bake sale at Cheam Common Junior Academy

Your support is amazing

Our Fairtrade School community is almost 1000 strong. Your relentless passion for supporting and raising awareness of Fairtrade in your schools and communities is incredible. Already in 2020, thanks to each and every one of you, we have received over £8,000 in donations from 86 different schools across the country. Your donations continue to make a real difference by supporting climate change adaptation programmes, campaigns for fairer trade policies and capacity-building trainings and workshops for producers to increase yield and quality of crops.


Park Community Academy stall

Park Community Academy stall



Baking up a storm during Fairtrade Fortnight 2020

Creativity and passion are never absent during these activity-packed two weeks, and this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight was no different. Students at Grundisburgh Primary School in Suffolk held both a Fairtrade breakfast and cake stall to kick off their Fairtrade Fortnight festivities strongly. Over at Park Community Academy in Lancashire, the ECO Council organised their own Fairtrade Coffee Morning, pairing a school-wide assembly about Fairtrade with the sale of delicious Fairtrade cakes, hot drinks and raffle tickets!

At Cheam Common Junior Academy in Surrey, their bake sale featured Fairtrade chocolate rice krispy cakes alongside other homemade treats. The sugar high helped keep them warm as they brought their stalls outside, enjoying the bright spring morning!

Tasty treats from Cheam Common Junior Academy

Tasty treats from Cheam Common Junior Academy

Beyond the bake sale

After reading some of your FairAchiever applications, it’s clear to see that there are many more ways you are fundraising for Fairtrade beyond the cakes and biscuits. Many schools have put on three course dinner fundraisers, inviting parents and community members to learn more about Fairtrade while enjoying a delicious meal prepared by the students themselves. Others have stocked stalls full Fairtrade products (see Traidcraft’s selection here) and sold raffle tickets for Fairtrade baskets tombolas at Christmas Fairs and other community events, like the Global Group at St. Mary’s Primary School in West Dunbartonshire as part of their Fairtrade Coffee Morning.

The P7 Global Group Organizers:


St. Mary's Primary School's Global Group in full swing at their Fairtrade Coffee Morning

St. Mary’s Primary School’s Global Group in full swing at their Fairtrade Coffee Morning

“We held a Fairtrade coffee morning because we wanted to get money or Fairtade and Mary’s Meals and we did. We also brought the community together because we welcomed all the mums, dads, grannies, grandas, carers and anyone in the school community.” ~Kieran

“I really enjoyed doing the stalls and knowing we were raising money for Fairtrade. Our coffee morning was important because we need to raise money and awareness for the farmers who aren’t getting a Fair trade.” ~Daniel

“I really enjoyed all the events and fundraising.” ~Sam S

“I really enjoyed working with Kieran at the sweetie/chocolate stall. It also helped me to experience what it is like to be behind the counter in a shop.” ~Sam H

“I really enjoyed the Fairtrade coffee morning because I got to run a stall which had pretty cool and interesting things. Our coffee morning was important because it helped us to raise awareness of Fairtrade.” ~Aiden

Endless ideas

Fairtrade fundraisers have also taken on the form of family quiz nights, loose change campaigns, photo booths, movie nights and sponge the teacher shenanigans. Up in North Yorkshire, one school even planned a day’s worth of chocolate themed competitions, including Fairtrade chocolate egg spoon races and chocolate raisin chopstick pick-up!

Fairtrade together

It’s thanks to people like you that we can continue to fight for fairer trading conditions and empower farmers and workers to combat poverty around the world. Thank you for all your hard work and support, we are lucky to have you with us!

For more ideas and information, check out the Fundraise for Fairtrade page here.

Join us on Twitter at  @FairtradeUKEd