Anti-Racist Education Resources
The Fairtrade Schools Team are aware of a variety of anti-racist education resources, which may be of use to teachers, parents and children. Please contact if you have further recommendations for this list.
- Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners: books for children and young adults
- 31 Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance
- Vogue: 10 Books to help teach your children about race
- New York Times: These books can help you explain racism and protest to your kids
- New Beacon Books: Specialists in African and Caribbean Literature since 1966
- The Brown Bookshelf: KidLit Rally 4 Black Lives: Anti-racist resources for children, families and educators
- Diverse Book Finder: Finding Diverse Electronic Picture Books
- Time Magazine: Teacher’s List of Anti-racist books for kids goes viral
- Parenting Forward: episode ‘Five Pandemic Parenting Lessons with Cindy Wang Brandt’
- Fare of the Free Child
- Integrated Schools: episode “Raising White Kids with Jennifer Harvey”
- NPR: Talking with young children about racism
- PBS: Teaching Your Child About Black History Month
- Pretty Good Design: Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race
- The Conscious Kid: Critical Conversations
Resources specific for educators
- Education Scotland provide an excellent overview of race equality and anti-racist education that covers what it is, why it is important and links to additional resources.
- Sign-up for the Black Cultural Archives mailing list; 90-minute classroom workshops of variety of topics
- EIS: New Anti-racist Education Resources
- Read the EmbraceRace article about 8 tips for choosing ‘good’ picture books featuring diverse, BIPOC characters and explore their library of resources
- Layla Saad’s Anti-Racist Reading List published on the Guardian website
- Check out Global Dimension‘s list of education resources for Black History Month
- Explore the Education Publications published by Runnymede Trust
- Read Culturally Responsive Education: 15 Actionable Strategies & Authentic Ways to Practice CRE (
Teacher Training
- Towards an Anti-Racist Curriculum is a training run by Global Learning London, offering schools an unprecedented opportunity to interrogate the role they play in challenging and re-balancing inequality of opportunity and outcomes and act upon it through anti-racist practices.
- Towards an Anti-Racist Classroom is a training run by Global Learning London, developed with contributions from young people at Pupil Power. It explores how racism is deeply and systemically embedded in our societies and what action can be taken to counter it in schools.
- Unconscious Bias in Our Schools is a training run by Global Learning London, addressing the impact our unconscious bias has on our teaching practice and go on to explore strategies to create more socially just educational spaces.
- Empowering an Anti-Racist Curriculum: Building racial literacy and taking action in our schools is a training run by The Black Curriculum and Global Learning London.