22nd April, 2021
Where does Lucia’s cocoa go?
Since watching Guardians of the Rainforest, have you ever wondered where the cocoa from Lucia’s farm ends up?
Grown in harmony with the beautiful Gola Rainforest, Lucia’s cocoa is Fairtrade and forest-friendly. She is part of the Ngoleagorbu Cocoa Farmer’s Union, a Fairtrade co-operative that use farming techniques that protect the forest, preserve habitats and maintain biodiversity. But after it leaves the forest, where does it go?
We are excited to share that some of Lucia’s cocoa has arrived the UK! After a long journey to the cocoa warehouse, a trip on a ship and an adventure in a chocolate factory, the forest-friendly cocoa has been transformed into a product that you can buy in shops.
The Forest of Hope Milk Chocolate Surprise Egg has been made with Fairtrade cocoa purchased directly from the Ngoleagorbu Cocoa Farmers’ Union. Inside each chocolate egg you’ll find 1 of 9 different animals from the Gola Rainforest. We know that one of the eggs contains the Western chimpanzee – an animal who enjoys gobbling up cocoa as much as we do!
Watch Guardians of the Rainforest with your class, or check out Fairtrade Family Portrait to learn how Lucia and her family benefit from Fairtrade. We’ve also got a fun-filled Guardians of the Rainforest activity pack to support students learn new vocabulary from the film. Finally, to enjoy Lucia’s cocoa, click on the button below!
We hope you enjoy learning about the inspirational farmers of the great Gola Rainforest and thank you for supporting Lucia through choosing Fairtrade.