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8th February, 2016

Join the 3000+ schools using the Global Learning Programme

Did you know that your school could receive funding, training and support from the Global Learning Programme (GLP)? As a school that understands the benefits of teaching about global issues and fairness, you’re well aware of the positive impact that global learning can have on pupil engagement, skills and values. Your experience with Fairtrade Schools means that you could be perfectly placed to become a GLP Expert Centre.

Over 3000 schools are now using the support provided by the GLP. These schools are finding that global learning is helping to: enrich the curriculum; develop skills, such as critical thinking; promote SMSC; and foster values such as respect and empathy. The programme is easy to access and can also help support and expand on work that you are already doing to prepare for Fairtrade Fortnight.

The GLP offers a choice of ways for you to get involved – relevant to your prior global learning experience. Your application to become an Expert Centre would be supported by work already completed as part of your school’s FairAchiever Award. The GLP have mapped the GLP to Awards including the FairAchiever Award, as well as others such as Eco-Schools and the Global Schools Award, to help schools assess how their previous work already fits with the GLP learning outcomes. Check them out here.

As an Expert Centre, you would use your knowledge and expertise – along with the funding*, training and Local Advisor support provided – to build and support a network of local schools committed to delivering effective teaching and learning about development and global issues at Key Stages 2 and 3. Through a series of CPD sessions, you would share your knowledge and expertise of global learning with your local school network, helping them to drive global learning across the curriculum.

Find out how to apply to become a GLP Expert Centre in England at Schools in Wales can find out more about becoming a Lead School here.
Alternatively, you could register your school as a GLP Partner School in England and get access to Expert Centre support, curriculum guidance, resources, local school network support and funded CPD*. Schools in Wales can join as Network Schools and get a range of support.

*The GLP is funded by the UK government. In England, all schools can join the programme, but funding is only available to Key Stages 2 and 3 in state schools. The GLP is managed by a consortium: Pearson (lead), Geographical Association, UCL Institute of Education, Oxfam UK, Royal Geographical Society, SSAT and Think Global.

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