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Take action

24th September to 2nd October

Great Big Green Week

This week is Great Big Green Week (24th September to 2nd October) and we are joining our friends at the Climate Coalition to take action on climate change.

You can join with other Fairtrade supporters around the UK to show your solidarity with farmers and workers fighting the climate crisis.

Thousands of Fairtrade campaigners are planting wildflower seeds as a symbol of their solidarity with Fairtrade farmers working hard to take on the climate crisis.

Sign the pledge and you will receive tips on where to get your own wildflower seeds, how to grow them and ideas on how to use them to spread the word about the fight for climate justice.

Right now, across Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, communities who did the least to cause the climate crisis are living with its worst effects.

Floods, food shortages, plant diseases that are destroying crops.

These communities often struggle to earn enough for a decent life due to unfair trade and extreme global inequality. Meanwhile, the UK and other wealthy countries continue to benefit from a deeply unfair global trading system. Find out more in our film.

Sow Your Solidarity now and join people all over the UK in demanding fair funding for overseas communities living with the worst effects of the climate crisis.

Fairtrade farmers are already investing what they can in the solutions needed to protect their farms.

Letters to Tomorrow

We’re inviting you to write a letter to yourself in future, or to a loved one to share your hopes and dreams for our world and our future. Find out more about this, and other, activities for schools here.

Let us know what you are up to for Great Big Green Week. You can email us at: 

Join us on Twitter at  @FairtradeUKEd