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29th July, 2021

Top 3 Banana Learning Resources to Celebrate Banana Lovers’ Day

Bunches of bananas on top of dried blue banana leaves

Go bananas for bananas on 27 August – it’s Banana Lovers’ Day!

The brilliant banana is one of the nations favourite fruits. But in the last decade, the price of a banana bought in a UK supermarket has dropped from around 18p to just 11p. Whilst supermarkets have almost halved the shelf price of loose bananas, the cost of producing them has doubled. This means that many banana farmers and workers’ standard of living have progressively worsened.

Choosing Fairtrade bananas means that banana farmers have the safety net of the Fairtrade Minimum Price, as well as the Fairtrade Premium. This Banana Lovers’ Day, remember to always look for the FAIRTRADE Mark.

We’ve rounded up our Top 3 Banana Learning Resources that we think you’ll find a-peeling…

B is for Banana!

Produced with our friends at Earth Cubs, this Lesson Plan and Activity Pack is perfect for Early Years settings such as nurseries, playgroups or infant classes in Primary schools. Make your own banana plantation, play banana hide and seek, model a playdough banana hand or create a Fairtrade shop.

Banana farmers of the Caribbean

Through this Reading Comprehension exercise for students aged 7-11, discover the story of the farmers who are using their Fairtrade Premium for a disaster recovery fund, allowing them to recover after floods and hurricanes.

Come on in to Coobana

This film for students aged 7-14 tells the story about some of the people who produce bananas and their journey to getting a fairer deal with Fairtrade. Check out this Coobana Home Learning Grid for follow up activities!

Finally, did you know that the banana is a herb and a fruit? Distantly related to ginger, bananas are classed as an herbaceous plant rather than a tree because what appears to be a trunk isn’t actually a trunk. Instead the leaves are tightly wrapped around a single stem, which leads up to a fruit-bearing flower stalk. For more mind-boggling banana facts, read these Top 12 Facts about Fairtrade Bananas.


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